Life, the Universe and Everything Wiki

The Great Lukassi-Milky Way Transgalactic Migration was a massive movement of several refugees from the Lukassi galaxy across vast stretches of time and space to the Milky Way galaxy.  Several races were involved in the migration, including Humans, Gungans, Wookiees, Twi'leks, and Tusken Raiders.  In addition they brought with them genetic material from some of their galaxy's best-loved citizens.

Upon arrival, the Magratheans were commissioned to construct replicas of several planets from the Lukassi galaxy including Coruscant, Ryloth, and Tatooine.  The facilities on Conwa were utilized to create clones who soon achieved fame and success as Yoda Jr., Mace Windu Jr., Lando Calrissian Jr., Jar Jar Binks Jr., and Boba Fett Jr.

These new arrivals participated in the establishment of the Unified Galactic Alliance.  When it was discovered that they had also inadvertently brought midi-chlorians with them they also established the Jedi Order, which grew as interbreeding created more Force-sensitive individuals.
